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Adult Education

FOR CLASS REGISTRATION AND/OR ZOOM information, please contact the shul office at 914-683-9497


Siddur Structure, Background and Meaning with Rabbi Greenberg
Bi-Weekly Class on Tuesdays, 8:15-9:00 p.m. Next Class: Tuesday, July, 5th.
This class meets in person at the shul in the Beit Medresh and via Zoom. Refreshments will be served!! 

Sephardic Nusach with Cantor Uri Aqua
Wednesday, 8:00 - 9:00 p.m.
For those interested in training to participate as leaders of the Sephardic Minyan. The Sephardic Minyan is held at YIWP on Shabbat mornings at 9:45AM. 
The class will be taught by esteemed Cantor Uri Aqua and is open to those who are interested in training as Torah readers, Ba'al Tefillah  and participant leaders for the Sephardic Minyan. 

9:00pm - Nightly Daf Yomi
Monday Night Learning - 8:15pm 
Women's Learning - Wednesday at 8:15pm is on hiatus for the summer

Thu, October 24 2024 22 Tishrei 5785